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Re: printing/displaying line numbers?

If what you want is continuous line numbering, here's a workaround:

(1) On the master page, create a new text frame parallel with and to the
left of the main text frame; you might have to make the main text frame
a little narrower to make room and still have enough margin.  Make the
new text frame just wide enough for the largest line numbers you
anticipate, and the same height as the main text frame; and make the new
text frame a different flow.

(2) On a body page, create a new para format from whatever para you're
using for the main text; make sure line spacing is exactly the same as
the main text para.

(3) Make the new para right aligned and give it a simple autonumber
format such as L:<n+>.

(4) On the first page where you want line numbers, place the cursor in
the new text frame, and lean on the Enter key (or set a brick on it,
perhaps).  You'll get line numbers until you let up!


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