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Influx (was RE: Brad's policies)

Dan Emory writes:
If the relatively small number of people in that third category 
start to revolt (by unsubscribing or becoming lurkers instead of
participants), the list collapses, because there are no more nuggets, and no
more help for the ones who need it.

So, if the experts leave BradFramers to participate only in FreeFramers,
will the newbies with all the recurring questions follow? And then will
FreeFramers become just like BradFramers, with lots of the same issues being
posted ad nauseum, only without Brad's policies?

Would that be a problem to anyone?

I set my BradFramers subscription to "nomail" after a few months so I
wouldn't get the same stuff all the time. After I initially subscribed, I
saved posts regarding the issues I deal with so I could go back to them. No
need to post a question to the list without checking "my" archive first.

I subscribe to FreeFramers because the traffic is lighter and the content of
posts is better. 

Steve Brooks
BISYS Document Solutions

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