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Re: A modest proposal for a Frame enhancement

Yes, Chris, you are exactly right. Not only can it do outlining to any
desired depth, it also allows you to move (using the interactive structure
view) any outline paragraph to any other position/level in the document, and
it will automatically renumber it according to its new context. And, the
element catalog shows you which outline level(s) are valid at any insertion
point. Also, context labels for each level can be specified in the EDD,
making it easier to find the applicable cross-reference, and also making it
easier to specify outline levels in PDF bookmarks and generated lists.

It would take no more than a couple of days work to develop an EDD for an
outline structure. All of the autonumbering would be specified in EDD format

The fact of the matter is that FM+SGML plus an EDD is the absolute best way
to implement an author-friendly, WYSIWYG environment for producing highly
structured documents. FM+SGML would pay for itself in such applications even
if there is no requirement to export to SGML, XML, or HTML.

Opportunities for using FM+SGML in such applications abound. Someone, for
instance, should develop an EDD for writing screenplays (everyone in
Southern California thinks they have at least one screenplay in them, even
if the purpose of that thought is to be able to talk a good line in meat
market pickup bars).
At 12:57 AM 8/24/99 +0200, Chris Despopoulos wrote:
>Rose Britton <Rosetech@worldnet.att.net> said:
>     If outlines are near and dear to your heart, take
>     a look at Enhance --
>     it's a lovely addition that gives you outlining,
>     drag and drop editing.
>How about Maker+SGML?  It is to outliners what the Edenburgh
>Castle is to a tree house.
>Ok, so I wax enthusiastic.  But I bet it can do whatever an
>outliner can do, and much more.  The only down side to it is
>you have to implement the outlining features via an EDD.
>But if you are in a large group that needs to use outliners,
>and needs to turn the oputlines into real documents, then
>investing in the EDD and template might prove worth while.
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Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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