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UPDATE: Another Direction

I thought I should update the list before I leave work for the day. (I won't be checking in until tomorrow's workday as my brain needs some time to rejuvenate -- August seems to be a busy month right now.)

I've had several offers of help and articles. I know I can get more of both (nagging does work, you know). Dennis Hays even mentioned  getting this done in a 4 to 6 week timeframe for the first issue. That seems like a good timeframe.

As I'm on the digest, I just now see that Brad Anderson mentions "we're planning to debut a new FrameUsers newsletter at the 1999 FrameUsers Conference in October." Great!

But who's getting the chance to contribute? This very open invitation allows anyone to do so, especially in light that we're starting from free volunteers.

Let's continue to try to move this issue forward as a FrameUsing community, rather than whine and flame.

Paul K. Schulte
Configuration Assurance
Medtronic, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN

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