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Re: Frame + SGML questions

At 01:49 PM 5/30/99 -0700, Patti N wrote:
>Hi all,
>First off let me clarify I am not a writer, I am a typesetter, with
>experience on 4 different mainframes and now learning Frame, so please
>if I don't express myself in the language of frame correctly and there
>is need for more explanation, just email me direct. I am currently using
>Frame+SGML 5.5.6 on NT platform. My problem is as follows:
>I have the element <Start> with an attribute [Title = "Help Me"] The
>first thing I have to do is make the "Help Me" text, that then typesets
>on a specific master page. However, "Help Me" could be anything, the
>only thing that is consistent is the type being Title. Now if Title is
>empty then I don't want to specify a master page.
>After the element <Start> I then have an element (the child of Start)
>which is <Art> and the child of <Art> is <Graphic> and <Graphic> has an
>attribute [Place = "Top"] or "Center" or "Bottom" . If the attribute is
>"Top" | "Center" | "Bottom" I believe I can do this in my edd, but what
>I can't find is how to start the element <Art> on a specific master
>I've gone through all of the documentation I have on read/write rules
>and EDD's. I'm hoping that someone will know a way that I can write
>something similar to what I do for my tables.
>element "gi" {
>     is fm table cell element;
>     fm property column number value is "1";
>     reader start new row;
>Is there something like this:
>element "Art"
>     is fm element "Art"
>     reader start master page "artleft";
1. There is no way to do what you want with read/write rules.

2. If the page containing the Start container and its child (Art)
occurs only on the first page of your document, then all you have to
do is set up your template for import so that the applicable master page
is the applied to the first (and only) page of the template. Succedding
pages of the document will use the default Left/Right master page pair.

3. If you want to apply master pages other than the default left/right pair
to pages after the first page, then the only feasible solution is to insert
in each such page a marker of a type that is reserved for controlling master
page usage. The marker text specifies the name of the applicable non-default
left/right pair. Then, using a product such as M-Pager, or a script
developed with FrameScript, the marker-specified master page will be applied.
     | Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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