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Re: Duplicate Messages

On Fri, 14 May 1999 15:50:13 +1000, Michael Richards <michaelr@ind.tansu.com.au>

>Am I alone in getting a number of duplicate messages this week? Usually
>the duplicate arrives along with its identical twin at about the same
>time. Sometimes ANOTHER duplicate message (this must be the evil twin
>from an alternate universe) arrives 24 hrs later. That, or The Matrix
>has developed another bug.
>I have taken a few days to point this out to the list because I was
>waiting for someone else to point this out and because of my admiration
>for the impeccable job Jeremy has performed until now, but the horrible
>thought has dawned upon me that even he may be unaware of this stain his

Alas, Jeremy *has* seen it... but it is beyond his ability to correct.
The repeated copy of the message, if you look at the bottom of it, is
always from the framers@frameusers.com list.  The problem is that when
people cross-post, and put framers@omsys.com on the Cc: line, the post
goes to the omsys.com list *twice*, once when it is originally mailed,
and again *from frameusers.com* when it appears on the other Framers
list...  So if you subscribe to both lists, you get a total of three
copies.  Yuck.

One fix would be to have frameusers.com *not* send to the Cc's.  This
is in fact how majordomo works, and is the rule for list software; the
message has *always* already gone to its Cc's, why send it again?  I
do not know if Brad can make such a setting with his software, though.
It may well be beyond his power too.

The Right Way would be for cross-posters to put *both* list names in
the "To:" field, leaving the "Cc:" field *blank*.  That way, each list
will see only its own address, and the problem goes away.  So, I'd
very much appreciate it if everyone would do it that way, when they
feel that cross-posting is appropriate in the first place...

>And those escutcheons are so hard to clean, too!


>Anyway, no great tragedy if this proves to be difficult to fix, but
>thought I'd point it out in case.

Thanks for raising the issue!

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  (jeremy@omsys.com)  http://www.omsys.com/

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** with "unsubscribe framers" (no quotes) in the body.   **