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Re: Mif2Go Character Mapping

On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:21:50 -0400, "Rick Quatro" <frameexpert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 

>I want to produce XHML output for a particular input. On the input side,
>they do not want special characters mapped to HTML entities. Is there any
>way to suppress the conversion of high ASCII characters to HTML entities?
>Thanks in advance.

There are several ways to handle special characters in Mif2Go.
But since you didn't say what you *did* want to have happen,
only what you didn't, it's not obvious what to suggest.  Do
you want numeric entities like &#150; instead of symbolic ones
like &copy;?  Or vice-versa?  Or do you want to map the chars
to something else, like map accented letters to unaccented?  
Or strip them out entirely?  Or handle them as characters in a
different character set, as we do for Cyrillic for example?

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy@xxxxxxxxx>  http://www.omsys.com/

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