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Re: Adobe to acquire Macromedia

All this hand-wringing about monopolies ignores the
impact of Microsoft, whose monopolistic power in the
software marketpace has driven untold numbers of
smaller companies into the black hole of insolvency or
merger. Adobe is one of the few companies left with
the wherewithal needed to co-exist with the monster.
The Bloomberg story about the acquisition mentions the
real reason it happened, namely that Adobe is girding
itself for competition with Mcrosoft's Longhorn, due
out in 2006. Adobe is worth $13 billion and Macromedia
is worth a little over $3 billion. Which one do you
think is more likely to survive the Microsoft
onslaught? The Macromedia product line will help Adobe
to meet that challenge. That, as Martha would say, is
a good thing. 

Let's just hope Adobe has learned from the Frame
Technologies fiasco how not to bake over a software company.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
DW Emory <danemory7224@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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