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Re: FrameMaker's Future

At 1/14/2005 02:58 PM, Paul Findon wrote:
>On 13 Jan 2005, at 21:41, Art Campbell wrote:
>>"The India team has complete ownership for the PageMaker and
>>FrameMaker products and hence handles all phases of the new feature
>>releases starting from conceptualizing, designing, delivering and
>>testing for all current and subsequent releases.
>Interesting! I guess that confirms the FrameMakers-gone-to-India  
>stories. I guess they mean "full responsibility" and not "complete  
>Here in the U.K., major banks, insurance companies, etc., say that  
>Indian wages are one-twelfth that of the U.K. I don't know how that  
>would apply to a U.S. software company in India, but it could be very,  
>very cheap for Adobe India to port FrameMaker to Mac OS X. And I'm sure  
>they'd do an excellent job. If only there was the will.
>Here's a few links to help get them started:
>Avoiding Pitfalls when Porting to Mac OS X (149 KB, PDF)
><http://www.integrationnewmedia.com/about/newsroom/whitepaper/ 7keysteps.pdf>
>Apple's porting documentation
>BTW, if you download some of Apple's tech docs, you'll notice that  
>they're using RenderX tools.


Adobe India does NOT make the product decisions on FrameMaker.
Those decisions are made at the corporate level at Adobe, not
locally by development groups.

Adobe did publicly announce that FrameMaker product development
was moved to Adobe India. And it is irrelevant what the cost
of labour is in India versus the United States with regards to
whether there would be a MacOS X version of FrameMaker. FrameMaker
on Macintosh has been fully discontinued and there are currently
no plans to revisit that decision.

        - Dov

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