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RE: Text inset - unresolved cross-reference

Stephen O'Brien wrote: 
> In a text inset I have two anchored frames, the first with 
> condition A and the second with condition B. In the text 
> itself I have a cross-reference for each anchored frame, with 
> the same conditions as the anchored frame (A and B). The 
> cross-reference is made to a Figure paragraph tag in a text 
> frame in the anchored frame that uses numbering to number the 
> figure (e.g. 
> Figure 3.1 Description...).
> I import the text inset into another document and set 
> condition to A (hide B). When I choose Edit > Update 
> References there is an unresolved reference to Current.

What happens if you show all conditions? Do you still have an unresolved
xref, or does that fix it? 

If that fixed it, then there's a condition problem that I hope someone
can help you with -- to me, it sounds like you're doing it right. :-}

If you still have an unresolved xref, then the problem isn't with
conditions. Xrefs to text insets can be tricky. You have to create the
xref markers in the text inset file so that you can point the xrefs to
them in the container file. (From the container file, FM can't "see" the
pgfs in a text inset, but it can "see" the markers.) 

Open the source file for the text inset, make sure there's a marker of
type "Cross-Ref" at the xref destination (the Figure pgf), and note its
marker text. (If there isn't, create one and give it a meaningful marker
text string.) 

In the file that contains the text inset, make sure all conditions are
still shown, and select the unresolved xref. In the Cross-Reference
dialog box, set Document to Current and Source Type to Cross-Reference
Markers. Then, in the markers list, find the marker whose text you
noted, and point the xref to it. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Voyant, a division of Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
richardDOTcombs AT voyanttechDOTcom
rgcombs AT freeDASHmarketDOTnet

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