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RE: Customize keyboard shortcuts?

For people using Frame on Macs, it is easy to do this with AppleScript. I can send some examples to anyone who is interested. I use QuicKeys to bind the applescript to a key.

One of my scripts, as an example of the power of this approach, takes the currently selected text, applies a specific character format, then takes the text and makes it into a hypertext link, even editing the URL to make sure it works (e.g. adding the "http://";). This makes it very quick and easy to insert links into text. I have one script for email links (which turn out green), URLs (a red character format) and glossary entries (purple).

- David Crowe

At 4:02 PM -0600 8/30/04, Combs, Richard wrote:
David Coverston wrote:

 I have set up a customui.cfg file that I use to customize standard
 FrameMaker keyboard shortcuts such as em dash and en dash. I
 would like to
 be able to set up shortcut keys to apply specific character
 formats I have
 created. Is there a way to do this?
 I am using FrameMaker 7.1.

I don't think there's any way to apply a char tag with a single key or key-combination. If there were, I'd have mapped Ctrl+b, Ctrl+i, etc., to char tags; instead, I settled for having them open the char catalog. :-}

The CharQuickKey command (F8 in Windows) gets you close, if you name your char formats wisely. Press F8, then press the first letter(s) of the char tag you want, and then press Enter. Works best if you don't have 15 tags all beginning with the same 3 letters. ;-)

Have you looked at Shlomo Perets' "Express Customization" kit (at www.microtype.com)? It helps, too, by giving you toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts for "Repeat Char Command" and "Repeat Para Command." Lots of other great productivity enhancers, too. And a good resource or starting point for your own customizations.


------ Richard G. Combs Senior Technical Writer Voyant, a division of Polycom, Inc. richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom richardDOTcombs AT voyanttechDOTcom 303-223-5111 ------ rgcombs AT freeDASHmarketDOTnet 303-777-0436 ------

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