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RE: Comparison of WebWorks and MIF2GO


Our import process does not include EDD format rules. Note that the Veredus
product does not require any XML knowledge to use. You can assign
properties, that you create as either string, enumerations, date, URI,
integer, or Boolean data, and assign them to any workpage or group of
workpages. These properties are stored as attributes. 

If by question 3, you mean does it support dynamic creation of documents -
no it does not. If however, you are asking if the product supports creating
a wide range of conditionalized documents in multiple outputs from one
source - it does more easily and fully than any other product in its class.
All output is created using XSL, XSLT for HTML based output and XSL-FO
(RenderX engine) for PDF and PostScript. We provide a GUI that allows you to
customize styles for both online and print output.

Hope this helps - Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
DW Emory
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:27 AM
To: Rob Frankland
Cc: Free Framers
Subject: RE: Comparison of WebWorks and MIF2GO

The following information is missing from the FAQ on your website:
1. You state that you support MIF import. Does that include structured docs
and the application of EDD format rules to those docs?

2. Does the product support attributes?

3. Does the product include a full-feature implementation of XPath to
assemble customized versions of a doc from the full content?

4. Does the product fully support XSL/SLT, XSL-FO, and exactly how is that
support implemented?
At 10:09 AM 8/10/04 -0700, Rob Frankland wrote:
>There is another alternative - Veredus from Rascal Software. I am with 
>the company for full disclosure. You can import MIF files into Veredus.
>Please go to www.rascalsoftware.com to get information about our 
>company and Veredus, our XML-based single source authoring tool. If you 
>go to www.rascalsoftware.com/veredus/free_trial.html you can download the
>Please let me know if you have any questions.
>Rob Frankland
>Rascal Software
>1511 3rd Ave, #523
>Seattle, WA 98101
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-framers@xxxxxxxxx] On 
>Behalf Of Thomas Michanek
>Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 8:11 AM
>To: Paul Turner; Free Framers
>Subject: Re: Comparison of WebWorks and MIF2GO
>[ The original message appeared on the FrameUsers mailing list.
>   This reply is sent only to the "Free Framers" mailing list. ]
>From: "Paul Turner" <paulturner1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Many of us across the planet are looking for a comparison and 
> > critiques of WebWorks and MIF2GO, now that Macromedia has decided 
> > not to continue development on RoboHelp for FrameMaker.
>I made a similar request a couple of years ago. I could probably look 
>up all the messages and forward them to you, but essentially I learned 
>* Very few people have tried both products in real projects.
>   Playing with a demo or similar a short time won't give you
>   a real feel for the product's strengths and weaknesses.
>* Simple feature-by-feature comparisons won't say much.
>   It's more a matter of *how* things are accomplished.
>   Is there a GUI, do you need to learn a "language", etc.
>* Most people were very satisfied with the product they chose
>   to use, and didn't find a reason to try the other product.
>* The people using MIF2GO were generally more enthustiastic
>   about the product than the people using WWP, especially
>   considering the cost.
>Just have this in mind as the replies keep coming.
>Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert Technical Communicator, 
>Uppsala, Sweden mailto:Thomas.Michanek@xxxxxxxxx http://go.to/framers/ 
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FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing DW Emory

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