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Re: Running FrameMaker on WINE or CrossOver Office on Linux

> I would like to switch my current home computer, a PowerMac 7300/200, to 
> Intel or AMD computer running Linux.  Trouble is, I would need to dual 
> Windows and Linux so I can continue to run FrameMaker.

Actually, you could run Linux and FrameMaker without switching
computers -- put Linux on your Mac & use Mac-on-Linux to run a
MacOS environment within Linux. I've done this with a G3/266,
and Frame ran quite well in that setup. Since MacOS is actually
doing the disk access, you don't have to worry about Linux not
really understanding HFS+ and other issues.

IIRC, Yellow Dog Linux (yellowdoglinux.com) is set up to run
Mac-on-Linux out of the box. As far as performance goes, I
couldn't tell a significant difference between native OS9 and
OS9 under Mac-on-Linux.

Email me off-list if you need help or advice.

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, ARRIS
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