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Re: Distill FM6 output: Name Tree Dests were not defined

Jim Stauffer wrote:
> On second thought... If you have any links to external docs or URLs, check to make sure they're working. If you have only internal links, don't worry about it.

Mike H. wrote:
> The warnings mean that some of your references will not link correctly
> to their intended destination; you'll click on them, and nothing will
> happen. The appearance and behavior of your PDF document should
> otherwise be as you expect.
> > According to this, the solution is to turn off "Create
> > Named Destinations for All Paragraphs", which is
> > already the case for me.
> You might also get this error for references to documents outside the
> current PDF. If you are making such links, there's some useful advice at:
> http://www.microtype.com/resources/FM_crossfile_links.pdf

Thanks, Jim & Mike.

I am not intentionally linking to outside my book, which would
be the major suspected cause in my case, from the file provided
above.  However, I am copying references and figures (including
caption paragraphs) from the files of one book to the files of
another book.  In the text of the new book, I cross reference
the figure captions and references that I paste in from the old
book.  I noticed that at the beginning of the paragraphs for
the caption and references, there is already an upside-down "T"
even before I cross-reference them.  These T's are there because
the paragraphs were the target of cross-referencing in the old
book.  I didn't bother erasing them; I thought they just
identified a paragraph as a target for cross-referencing, and I
was going to cross-reference from the new book anyway.  But if
these markers contain information about where they are cross-
referenced from, that might cause a problem.  For example, they
might contain information about cross-references in the old
book that point to them.  If I knew that this was a possibility,
I would have removed the T's before cross-referencing the
pasted paragraphs in the new document.  But there was no reason
to suspect that this might happen, because the the links seem to
work unidirectionally.  That is, we can warp to a paragraph from
a cross-reference that links to it, but not the other way.  So
why would the inverse-T in the target paragraph need to retain
information about where the cross-reference is?  Maybe for
consistency checking.

Anyway, it's too late to get rid of the T's now, as I've already
created cross-references in the new book that link to the target
paragraphs.  I think I will just live with the messages and hope
that they truly are harmless.

Fred Ma, fma@doe.carleton.ca
Carleton University, Dept. of Electronics
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

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