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RE: Identity-H encoding in PDFs on Linux?

While non-standard (i.e., not released by Adobe) PostScript interpreters
frequently have been the source of frustration and questions (and answers
from Dov) on this list, surely most of them have been commercial ones,
embedded in printers from HP or IBM?

IBM, by the way, is heavily involved in Linux and other realms of open
source development. Do you see IBM as a "software socialist"? What about HP?
Sun? SGI?

Linux, by the way, is used by a lot of companies that in no way see
themselves as "hackers". My day work is at a legal publisher. We run mission
critical software (Oracle database servers, web servers) on Linux boxes for
performance and stability. We do spend a good deal of money on Oracle
licenses, and we do prefer Linux servers. Oracle plays nice with Linux,
offers value for money, and makes a profit. Simple as that.

I'm still kind of sad that FrameMaker was not released for Linux. I know the
hassle of quality assurance on the diversity of Linux distributions, but
even if we had to adapt our choice of Linux distribution, we'd prefer that.

"Open source", as you may know, is about as well defined as "globalisation".
To some, Open Source is a way to attract mindshare -- a cheaper and faster
way to develop common infrastructure that your company need but wouldn't be
able to sell for profit. To other, it's a political manifesto, it's about
the freedom to express information, about not being controlled by suits and
pointy-haired bosses. It's new to me that it should be connected with

Major parts of the infrastructure of the internet run on Open Source
software; do you see the internet as a socialist endeavour? As far as I
know, it was developed by DARPA, i.e. as an US defence project.

Kind regards

Peter Ring

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-framers@omsys.com [mailto:owner-framers@omsys.com]On Behalf
Of Dov Isaacs
Sent: 10. maj 2003 01:14
To: Martha J Davidson
Cc: framers@frameusers.com; framers@omsys.com
Subject: Re: Identity-H encoding in PDFs on Linux?

Dear "to be enlightened":

Now "clone" PDF readers, oy ...

<snip />

A better solution would be for your Linux hackers to use the Linux
version of Acrobat Reader (I know that the "software socialists"
don't like spending money for software, but the Reader is free)
instead of XPDF. Or suggest to whoever created or maintains XPDF
to fix their program.

        - Dov

<snip />

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