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RE: List you have a greeting card from .

I think the instructions are telling you to walk to each person's house and
tell them to delete _their_ files... sort of an ambulatory chain letter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Richardson [mailto:lhr@Adobe.COM]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 2:00 PM
To: framers@omsys.com
Subject: Re: List you have a greeting card from .

I first saw that as the Amish virus:

Amish Virus
You have just received the Amish virus. Because we don't have any computers,
or programming experience, this virus works on the honor system. Please
delete all the files from your hard drive and manually forward this virus to
everyone on your mailing list. Thank you for your cooperation.

(I figure there's a bug in the virus, though- wouldn't you want to forward
the virus and THEN delete all your files? Maybe that's limited its


At 1:48p -0500 11/8/02, Kevin McLauchlan wrote:
>Sorta like the UNIX/Linux virus that circulates
>"This is the *nix virus. It works on the honor system.
>Please randomly delete a bunch of files from your
>hard disk, and pass this message on to everybody
>in your mailing list.
>Thank you for your cooperation."

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