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Thanks, Adobe. Now, for v8...

Having been a prominent whiner about Frame 6's XML non-features, it's 
only fair to record my belated thanks to Adobe for delivering, in 
version 7, a usable authoring/formatting tool for documents in an XML 

The way the team has coerced the software into being polite in an XML 
environment may not be pretty, but it works, and preserves Frame's 
reliability and usability.


Now, all I want are Schema support/unlimited namespaces, and *proper* 
Unicode, and the InDesign composition/rendering engine, text drag/drop, 
a solution for workgroups with compound documents, and OS X and Linux 

Mark Barratt
Text Matters
phone +44 (0)118 986 8313
fax +44 (0)118 931 3743
email markb@textmatters.com
web http://www.textmatters.com

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