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RE: Help!! getting registration marks in PDF

Clear the check box in the Frame Print dialog box that says "Generate
Acrobat Data". That should do it.


Sharon Burton-Hardin
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-framers@omsys.com [mailto:owner-framers@omsys.com]On Behalf
Of Foster, David
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 7:27 AM
To: FreeFrame (E-mail)
Subject: Help!! getting regsitration marks in PDF

Hi. I need to display registration marks in PDF. Is this possible?

When I print to Acrobat Distiller with Registration Marks set to Western, I
don't get them in the PDF file. They print just fine when I print to the

I am using FrameMaker 6.0p405, Distiller 5.0, the Distiller "Optimize for
Fast Web View" job option is set to Yes. (Is this the culprit?)


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