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OT: OfficeVision formatting instructions to PDF - is it possible?

I have several user manuals authored in OfficeVision ( an AS400 application
that IBM no longer supports)

I created a PDF from the spool file by printing to the Acrobat Distiller

Some OfficeVision formatting does not appear while other OfficeVision
formatting commands appear as text in the PDF.

I posted these problems to the Adobe Postscript Programming forum asking if
it is possible for the Acrobat Distiller Printer to interpret the
OfficeVision formatting commands.

Replies to that post have asked what print driver I used and that I provide
a sample .ps file.

I only know that I selected the spool file from AS400 Operations Navigator,
selected the Acrobat Distiller printer, and got a .pdf.

My questions so that I can better communicate in the postscript programming
How do I tell what print driver I used?
How do I provide a sample .ps file? (I know w/ FrameMaker I check "print to
file" but that is not an option in AS400 Ops Nav)

Can anyone here advise if it is possible to generate a correctly formatted
PDF from OfficeVision?

Thank you.

Patrice Horan
(847) 572 - 4445

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