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Re: disconnected frames and spacing [formerly: student needs help]

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From: "Teresa Newton" <teresanewton@earthlink.net>
> On a newsletter I'm designing for a class group project (so all the text
> frames are disconnected), the title box (on the front page) is white text
> centered in black box -- I'm following school style guidelines on this, and
> it must be this way.  I created a text box, and filled it with blackness.
> The text is in white font.  The text is too close to the top of the box.
> I've tried changing the line spacing, font size, and space above.  Nothing
> changes.  Therefore, I created a graphics box, filled with blackness, and
> placed it above and behind the text box.  This seems to me to be a clumsy
> solution.  Is there a better one?

You have two other choices:
1. On the Reference page, draw an empty graphic frame (not a text frame) and
   enter a name for the frame in the dialog box that opens. Make the height of
   the frame the distance you want above the title paragraph. Then, in the
   Advanced properties of the paragraph, select the name of your frame for the
   Frame Above setting. Not very elegant, but it works.
2. Instead of the text box, or within the text box, insert a table with 1 row
   and 1 column, no Ruling lines, and a Shading of 100% black (perhaps define
   a new table format). Enter the title in the single-cell table as white text.
   Use the Default Cell Margins of the table to create the distance you want.
   Once set up, this solution is easier to change and maintain.

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Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
mailto:Thomas.Michanek@telia.com   (Sweden)
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