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OT: Author-IT


Our American parent company use MS Word as a text editor for their manuals
and RoboHelp for online help.

The Danish and Belgian divisions use FrameMaker as a text editor for their
manuals and Web Works Publisher/MIF2GO for online help.
The European divisions have also a draft version of an EDD for FM+SGML. 

The American company is looking into AuthorIt as a content management and
single-sourcing tool.

What are the pros and cons of Author-IT?
Have you been working with Author-IT, and been happy with it?
Did you investigate Author-IT and choose another solution?
How is editing in Author-IT?

Please help us make the right decision about our future tool.

I have already visited the web site of Author-IT  www.Author-IT.com but
would like some comments from the users.

Best Regards

Verner Andersen
Documentation Manager
BarcoNet A/S - a Scientific-Atlanta company
Tel +45 39 17 08 85
Fax +45 39 17 00 10

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