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Re: Slight OT: Informal Poll

At 08:46 AM 4/19/2002 -0400, Catherine Geiszler wrote:
>So here's my poll- what are the top ten things you wish you'd known
>about Frame a little earlier?  (Don't send me ten, just send one or two
>and I'll compile).

My top things are pretty simple, but they'd probably be:
1) Avoid overrides--if a style doesn't do what you need, create a new style
rather than making local changes to one or two properties.

2) The Frame manuals (especially the pre-Adobe ones, if you can get hold
of old copies) really do contain the answers to most questions if you look.

3) If you need to add or change a style globally, to import just that style
(or variable or cross-reference format, or whatever kind of thing), make
a new file from your template and delete all of the formats of that type
except the one you want to change, and import formats from that file
to the others. When you make a global change, write it down somewhere
so that you know when you've updated all the necessary files with that change.

4) The framers lists are wonderful resources; don't forget we're here if
you get really stuck.

Looking forward to reading the summary!

Martha Jane {Kolman | Davidson}
Dances With Words

"We must become the change we want to see in the world."

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