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Re: Centered square bullets (and dropcaps, and other characters havingvertical displacements)

> Does anyone know of a square bullet character that is truly centered on
> the line, instead of aligned baseline?

Character tags (I'm assuming you're using one to
get the Dingbat bullet as an autonumber for some
paragraph tag) can have vertical (or even
horizontal) displacement -- you just can't set it from
the user interface. You can set it in a MIF file, and
then import it (you're importing a FILE, not formats,
and you must use COPY INTO DOCUMENT, not
import by reference). Here is an example (I threw
in a dropcap example because sometimes
people ask about that, too).

<MIFFile 5.50>
  <FTag `DingbatBullet'>
  <FFamily `ZapfDingbats'>
  <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
  <FSize  8.0 pt>
  <FDY  -6.0%>
  <FLocked Yes>
 > # end of Font
  <FTag `DropCap'>
  <FSize  28.0 pt>
  <FDY  31.0%>
  <FLocked Yes>
 > # end of Font
> # end of FontCatalog

Copy the lines above into Notepad (or any text editor).
Change the name of the character format to the name
   you're using.
Save as a .MIF file,
In Frame, import into your document
   (remember: as a file, and copy into).
(You can also open the file and import the character
   formats from it, if you know what to import and how.)
In the Paragraph Designer, Update All whatever
   paragraph format uses that character format.
If the size and vertical displacement aren't what you
   want, edit them in the text editor and try again, until
   you have what you want. Negative numbers for
   FDY are upward displacements, positive numbers
   are downward. Change size first, because
   displacement is relative to size.
Once this is in a document, you can import the format
   to others, but you can't edit the format from the
   Character Designer (it's locked, so you can't
   change it, but if it weren't, you'd lose the
   displacement when you did).

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