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ANN: frameexpert.com Updates

Hello Framers,

I have just added 2 new free FrameScript scripts to the Scripts page of my
web site.

ProcessAllFilesInBook.fsl. This a general purpose script for processing all
of the files in a book. The ProcessDoc subroutine is called for each file in
the book. You will have to add code to this subroutine before running in on
your books.

ScriptTimer.fsl. Times the execution of another script. Run this script and
it will prompt you for another script to run. When the script is finished,
it will display the elapsed time in a message dialog box.

There is also a new tutorial on the Tips page that teaches how to navigate
paragraphs with FrameScript.

Bruce Foster has updated his Archive plugin to version 1.2; it is available
from the Plugins page of my web site.

As always, questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome. Thank you.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing
716 659-8267

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