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Re: text source options for Frame

OInce, as a proof of concept, I set up Maker+SGML to handle most of 
HTML...  I couldn't handle graphics because that requires an actual 
socket to download the referenced graphics from the HTTP server. So I 
used a reference frame for every graphic to insert a place-holder.

I also couldn't handle tables because Maker needs to know how many 
columns are in a Table, and HTML does not. FOr that I punted and 
converted tables to lists.  Not good, but the alternative was to make an 
SGML import client to test the table and deduce the number of columns.  

This was just a proof of concept, and it took me about 4 hours - I just 
worked on turning the HTML DTD into an EDD.  And as I said, it required 
Maker+SGML.  I think it would be possible in a matter of a week or less 
to implement some type of HTML import in Maker+SGML that was relatively 
complete.  (Ignoring CSS, however.)  I don't include getting the actual 
graphics in that, however.  If you want to have Maker actually get the 
graphics from their URLs, then you might as well turn Maker into a real 
HTML browser...  Possible, but perhaps not altogether efficient.   If 
you're  working on a known, internal file system, then you could use R/W 
rules to turn IMG tags into references to the actual graphics on your 
system - but you need to know ahead of time the actual structure for 
your image repository. 

Not sure this helps, but that's as close as I ever got to implementing 
an Import HTML facility in Maker+SGML.  If I hd the free time, I would 
persue it further...  I know plenty of people are interested.

Cheers                           cud

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