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Changing colors for print vs. online?

Another day, another foolish question....

I have a mid-sized (~500pg) manual with
the usual cross-referencing. Any xref that
is inserted manually (as opposed to the TOC
and IX) uses blue text -- presumably so
that the link shows up nicely in the PDF
version, without those ugly boxes.

However, this particular blue doesn't
print nicely on a B/W laser (600dpi).
In fact, it's fairly hard to read, and
I'm concerned that this is a problem for

I was wondering if anybody knows of
pdfmark/postscript magic that might let me
have the xref links appear blue when the
PDF is viewed, but print as black on 
any printer. Ideally this would occur
without any end-user intervention.

For various ugly & infuriating reasons,
I can't buy TimeSavers, and using two
different templates is not allowed --
I can only have *one* PDF. And the links
have to stay blue, at least when viewed
in Acrobat Reader, and no outline boxes
are allowed.

I've paged through the pdfmark reference,
and that didn't seem to have what I need.

Ideas? It seems like I'm out of luck,
but I'd *really* like to fix the readability
problem if possible....

Thanks for your time!

Martin Anderson

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