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Re: Framemaker history ?

At 6:44 AM -0700 27/05/01, Dan Emory wrote:
>2. It was release 3 when the Windows & Mac platforms were added.

  Sorry, but that's not the case for Mac. I *have* a copy of 2.1 for 
the Mac. Ezra Steinberg of this list also has the same version and 
can corroborate this. I know another fellow who has it but he's not 
on the list.

>3. The date I gave for FrameBuilder was (approximately) when it 
>became available on Windows 3.1x. It had been released earlier on 
>Unix, but hardly anyone knew about it then. And Frame Technology did 
>announce its commitment to an SGML solution sometime in 1992.

  You were correct about the ship date for FrameBuilder, unless it was 
later coming to the Mac than it was on Unix. The Mac version shipped 
in 1994 (as I just verified by looking at the splash screen).

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