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Re: Changing CALS table generic identifiers (was [FrameSGML] Anomalies/Bugs in FM+SGML V5.5.6 & V6.0)

At 12:34 AM 5/14/01 -0700, Dan Emory wrote:
>I have a DTD which declares two types of CALS-compliant tables, as follows:
<!ELEMENT Table      - -  (Title?, tgroup)>
><!ELEMENT tgroup     - O  (colspec*, spanspec*, thead?, tfoot?, tabody) >
><!ELEMENT Tabdat     - -  (Effect?, Title?, Tabgroup)>
><!ELEMENT Tabgroup   - O  (colspec*, spanspec*, thead?, tfoot?, tabody) >

>My conclusion is that, although the content models and attributes for the 
>Table Type 2 elements fully conform to the CALS table model, the two 
>element name discrepancies (Tabgroup instead of Tgroup, Tabody rather than 
>Tbody) causes FM+SGML to assume that, on export, Table Type 2 was not 
>compliant with the CALS table model, hence no colspecs, and no switching of 
>the positions of Tabody and Tfoot were produced, even though, in both 
>tables, all of the attributes corresponding to table properties in the 

  What you really have is not two types of CALS-compliant tables, but
two types of CALS-based tables--the generic identifiers (element names) 
in CALS tables are not changeable. 
  That said, your conclusions are correct. FM+SGML's processing of the
CALS model does assume the document uses the CALS tables generic identifiers,
and it does not generate colspec elements for other element types.

Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.

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