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RE: Watermark Postscript code

That's basically the same technique I used, except that I also
conditionalized the watermark. That way, it is always present on 
every page and can be turned on or off by changing the show/hide
settings in one file and importing those settings to the rest of the
files in the book. 

And to control the color of the watermark, I defined a character 
format that sets the specific gray percentage so that this can also
be controlled globally. 

My opinions only; I don't speak for Dialogic or Intel...
Fred Ridder (Fred.Ridder@Dialogic.com)
Senior Publishing System Analyst
Dialogic, an Intel company
Parsippany, NJ

-----Original Message-----
From: Martha J Davidson [mailto:editrix@nemasys.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 12:21 PM
To: framers@omsys.com
Subject: Re: Watermark Postscript code

Charles Dowdell asked:

>Where can I find a nice bit of postscript code to include a nice draft
>diagonally across each of our book pages?

At my last job, I did this with a variable on the master page instead.
To do this, create a background frame, positioned where you want
the watermark text.  I rotated mine by about 45 degrees.  Then in
the frame, I created a paragraph called Watermark with the characteristics
I wanted.  To make the text flexible, I also created a variable called
Watermark.  For review releases, I put "alpha," "beta," or the review
date in the value of the variable.  For customer releases, I used just
a space, so no watermark was visible.

Feel free to modify this process to meet your needs.  Remember
to copy the watermark text frame to all master pages where you
want the custom text to appear.


Martha Jane {Kolman | Davidson}
Dances with Words

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
  If I am only for myself, what am I?
  If not now, when?"
         --Hillel, "Mishna, Sayings of the Fathers 1:13"

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