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Re: Ghost of missing fonts resolved

Dear Framers,

Bob Canastre and Craig Ede correctly point out that a generated list of
cross-references would have pinpointed my difficulty with the
external-to-book x-refs very quickly. And they're right. I've been out
of the habit of using such on this particular series of projects because
the existing workflow specifies that no x-refs outside the book are ever
to exist. Lesson: even programmers who understand the difference between
absolute and relative paths can make mistakes. 

I've added an "LOX" (list of x-refs) to my diagnostic suite of generated
files for all future conversion projects in this series. (I was already
using a list of fonts to find missing fonts fast, and a list of imported
graphics to make sure *they* were all using relative paths and hence art
inside the book directory.)

Thanks again, folks!

Deborah Snavely

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