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custom menu problem

In Frame 6, I've added a new menu for shortcuts to PDFs and Web sites that I
often use while I'm using Frame.

If I format the menu with no separators, everything works fine. But if I add
a separator, everything above the separator works fine and everything below
is greyed out.

Following is the text from that portion of my customui.cfg file. Can anyone
tell me what I'm doing wrong?

*** Define a new menu  
***<Menu Shortcuts	<Label Shortcuts>>
*** Add the new menu to the menu bar  
***<Add Shortcuts	<Menu !MakerMainMenu>>
*** Add the commands to the new menu 

<Command Char
   <Label Character Sets>
   <Hypertext message openfile C:/Program
   <Mode All>>
   <Add Char <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command Custom
   <Label Customizing Frame>
   <Hypertext message openfile C:/Program
   <Mode All>>
   <Add Custom <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command MIF
   <Label MIF Reference Manual>
   <Hypertext message openfile C:/Program
   <Mode All>>
   <Add MIF <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Add Separator1    <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command WG
   <Label Information Development Style Guide>
   <Hypertext message openfile S:/ChannelPoint/InfoDevDocs/StyleGuide.pdf>
   <Mode All>>
   <Add WG <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command Templates
   <Label Using the FrameMaker Templates>
   <Hypertext message openfile S:/ChannelPoint/InfoDevDocs/cp_fm_styles.pdf>
   <Mode All>>
   <Add Templates <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command Graphics
   <Label Working with Graphics>
   <Hypertext message openfile
   <Mode All>>
   <Add Graphics <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Add Separator2    <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command Auto
   <Label AutoText manual>
   <Hypertext message openfile S:/Frame/PDFs/Autotext.pdf>
   <Mode All>>
   <Add Auto <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command IX
   <Label IXGen manual>
   <Hypertext message openfile S:/Frame/PDFs/ixgendoc.pdf>
   <Mode All>>
   <Add IX <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command FAQ
   <Label Frequently Asked Questions>
   <Hypertext message openfile S:/Frame/PDFs/faq.pdf>
   <Mode All>>
   <Add FAQ <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Add Separator3    <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command TimHelp
   <Label Frame help>
   <Hypertext message URL http://www.techknowledgecorp.com/help/help.html>
   <Mode All>>
   <Add TimHelp <Menu Shortcuts>>

<Command OneLook
   <Label OneLook Dictionaries>
   <Hypertext message URL http://onelook.com/>
   <Mode All>>
   <Add OneLook <Menu Shortcuts>>

Rick Henkel
AOL IM henkel33

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