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RE: Importing by reference

I tried Shift-drag on Windows (and the obvious variants) to see if there 
was a way to toggle import types, just as you can toggle copy/move 
operations on some systems -- no go.

A suggestion for the next engineering round -- make the platforms 
consistent (I think import by copy is probably the expected action), and 
use a modifier for import by reference, again consistently.

Two cents worth... :)

Tom Neuburger

Dov wrote:

>Subject: RE: Importing by reference
>From: "Dov Isaacs" <isaacs@Adobe.COM>
>Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 09:56:25 -0800
>X-Message-Number: 35
>The scoop is vanilla, chocolate, strawberry-buffalo chip swirl, or liver-lime!
>I did my original test under Windows 2000. Trying it on the Macintosh, I find
>that dragon-drop causes the exact opposite to occur per David's report; 
>always yields import by reference on the Macintosh.
>Maybe my friend Lee Richardson will weigh in on this as to why.
>         - Dov

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