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Re: Framemaker vs. Word 2000

*** The original message appeared on the FrameUsers mailing list.
*** This reply is copied only to the framers@omsys.com mailing list.

From: <eichelbergerm@aftech.com>
> Hello all. I have just joined the list and I hope to gain a lot of
> knowledge of Framemaker from this list.  The reason I am posting this item
> is that it is my responsiblility to write a proposal for moving from Word
> to Framemaker.  My peers and I are about to pull our hairs out trying to
> work with Word's master documents and we would really like to convince
> upper management to purchase Framemaker.  I have already gathered some
> useful information from the Adobe Users list and the Adobe website, but I
> was wondering if any of the subscribers to this list could offer any
> additional insights.

Have you seen Sean's three-part message in Adobe's User-to-user forum
under the topic "Transitioning to FrameMaker"?

Also, see:
* FrameMaker 5.5 and Word 97 and 98 Feature Comparison (Adobe):

* FrameMaker White paper (DigiPub Solutions Corp.):

* A Word user's perspective on FrameMaker (Keith Soltys):

* Infocon's comparisons of FrameMaker and Word:
  http://www.infocon.com/adobeprodfinal.html (two PDF files)

* Simply Written's white paper "Why we use FrameMaker":

* MS Word application Errors FAQ:

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Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
mailto:Thomas.Michanek@telia.com   (Sweden)
*   U P D A T E D   O N   J A N .   1 1   *
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