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Re: Adding Fonts

ATM "looks for" .pfm files, not .pfb files, for purposes of
deciding what fonts are available for installing. When it finds
a .pfm file, it looks for the corresponding .pfb file first
in the same directory and failing that, in the directory level
below the current one.

        - Dov

PS: I assume that you do know that the .pfb file is the font itself
(PFB = PostScript Font Binary) and the .pfm file is a file containing
metrics and font information such as font name under Windows, style
links, character widths, pair kerning information, etc. (PFM = PostScript
Font Metrics).

At 9/11/00 10:29 AM, Colin Green wrote:
>I'm attempting to add type1 fonts that I need for my Frame templates. However, when I use ATM to browse for the files, the .pfb files don't display in the Source window pane. However, the .pfm files display just fine.
>I'm using Win95 and the ATM lite that came bundled with Frame 5.6. Ideas?

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