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FrameScript question: one script to run other scripts

Hi gang,

I have a half-dozen books to reformat (ugh). I have an idea 
how I'm going to do it, and assorted scripts to do various parts 
of the process. But there's one thing I can't figure out: 
how do you have one Frame script call several other scripts? 

I checked the FrameScript docs (even created a PDF index for
them), and all I can find is info on running a *subroutine* of
a script: 
    Run [filestr.]Subname [<parameters>];

Would something like this work?
    Run <scriptName>;

Would I need to add something like
    Sub <Name>
around every script, and then call the scripts by referencing 
their otherwise-unecessary subroutine names? 

Or do I need to get more elaborate and... 
- add a pass/fail condition to each script
- call each script via a subroutine name
- read the pass/fail parameter
...and...methinks this could get pretty ugly....

Assistance and suggestions welcome and greatly appreciated...

--Ananda Stevens

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