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RE: (Another) Frame bug not fixed in 6.0 -- Tables: the Phantom Font Menace

> If you turn off "Remember missing font names", and either
> accept the font substitutions or define your own, and then
> resave the file, the fonts should be gone. 

That would work if we had only one font that has been replaced 
with a different font. But with three fonts changed, even when 
I turn off missing font names, I still have to go in and edit 
the para format definitions saved in the table definitions. 
And it's not just the font -- it's the size, italic vs. regular,
and other stuff (which I should have mentioned in the post).

And, of course, my edited MIF file comes up as one blank page....
the original is 32 pages. 
Anyone know of a tool to find missing > or < characters? 

Finding out that the number of grey hairs is probably directly
proportional to the number of hours spent editing MIF,


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