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Re: Autonumbering fails with unconnected text frames

I've seen this behaviour a number of times before. Nobody on the list gave me
any possible solutions when I posted a question regarding the behaviour. Most
seem to suggest the use of one cell tables to hold the anchored frame and use
the table title for the caption. It does work, but I find it tedious. You'd
think that by now FrameMaker would be able to have automatic caption/title areas
for anchored frames.

We have been able to avoid the problem by NEVER copying anchored frames/text
frame captions. Create each frame set individually.

Try saving as MIF and then open the MIF to see if that corrects the problem.
Otherwise, you must rebuild the framesets from before where the numbering goes
errant. I once had success cutting and pasting the anchors into a new document
and then cutting and pasting them back. I suspect the unique ID identifier
becomes corrupted when the anchors are copied throughout the document.

Eric L. Dunn

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