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Re: Framers digest format?

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 17:24:42 -0400, "@" <alison@totten.net> wrote:

>Am new to this list and would like to know if it is available as a digest
>instead of a individual messages.  In my "welcome" message, there was no mention
>of how to do this, or even a reference to a page with archives, FAQs etc.
>Unless I'm so brain dead I missed it.

I've got to update that Welcome message; it's still the original one.

For going to digest:  When you want to change, send majordomo@omsys.com
a message with a body of:

 subscribe framers-digest

and once you have gone through confirming that:

 unsubscribe framers

People usually wait until a digest actually arrives before they
unsub from the regular list...

Note that since we do manual cleanup on the digests, it may take
anywhere from an hour to a few days before they are delivered.
OTOH, they will be free of junk attachments, HTML, bad line
breaks, and pointless full quotes.  But if you care about getting
quick answers, do *not* sub to the digest; stick with the main
list, which is low-volume anyway.

For archives, look on <http://www.frameusers.com/> where you
should find a link to them.  For a FAQ, well, hopefully some
day someone will write one.  Until then, check out Shlomo's
page at <http://www.microtype.com/> for an index to tech notes.
Any other suggestions, anyone?

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
   (jeremy@omsys.com)     http://www.omsys.com/
** To subscribe to Free Framers, email the message **
** body "subscribe framers" to majordomo@omsys.com **

** To unsubscribe, send a message to majordomo@omsys.com **
** with "unsubscribe framers" (no quotes) in the body.   **