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Using Chinese Fonts

To fellow Frame users who use Chinese Windows and 

I've made quite a few requests to seek out compatriotes, even 
requested some files or papers from the "big potatoes", but I am 
very much a wallflower. ( I'm hardly a threat to anyone's lively-hood,
being about the smallest player on the market.)

If any FrameUsers who use Chinese Windows and Framemaker 
would care to help out fellow users please send replies. I promise 
to reply to ALL requests and post all relevant information. 

The big boys will filter this one out, as usual, but I know that there 
many generous souls out there only too happy to impart 
information: not to
selectively guard it for their own clique.

I've requested papers and advice from many people out there but 
silence is the grand reply in most cases. I address this message 
to the others who I see are only too helpful to relatively small-time
users. Thank you for any assistance you may give.

Warwick Wade
Sleepy Hollow,

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