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XML in FM+SGML (Was Re: Adobe + FrameMaker)

At 09:48 AM 5/26/00 +0200, Chris Despopoulos wrote:

Quote from a Statement by Mark Hilton at Drupa:

>      A major role will definitely be played by the
>      complete implementation of XML
>      that was especially written in FrameMaker for
>      Adobe. A survey conducted by
>      Adobe among more than 100 major customers and more
>      than 6000 FrameMaker
>      users swung the decision in its favor. Even if
>      version 6 still does not have
>      XML import, Adobe is working on it at full blast.
>More than marketing brochures, XML import will send the
>Maker message loud and clear, IMO.  All those dreams of
>UberPublishing (why do we resort to German?) are within
>reach via XML.  And Maker can be a part of it.
Whether this is good news or not depends on whether it means
a full XML implementation in FM+SGML or something wimpy that
relies on WWP  or a similar plug-in in FM.

A real implementation must involve exporting XML from
structured docs in FM+SGML, and importing XML to
create structured docs in FM+SGML.. But much more
than round-tripping is involved.

If surveys are what drive Adobe to make the right decisions,
it's time we let Adobe know what the minimum acceptable
requirements are for a usable XML implementation in the next release
of FM+SGML..

For starters, I submit my own list of requirements:

1. A sufficient implementation of of  the XSL Style Language, including
including XSL Style Sheets, formatting objects in the fo namespace,
and XSL formatting properties that are represented by attributes.
In addition, the capabiliity to generate a CSS from the EDD's format
rules should be retained and improved.

2. A sufficient implementation of the XLinks and XPointer languages,
most particularly the capability to convert FrameMaker cross-
references (both internal and external) into conformant links
on export, and the capability to convert such links into
cross-references on import. In addition to these simple links,
at least a partial implementation of Extended Links is needed,
perhaps including out-of-line as well as inline links. Presently,
there are 10 attributes associated with Xlinks. They include
xlink:form, href, show, actuate, and behavior, steps, title, role,
content-title, and content-role. Exactly how much of the
XLink language needs to be implemented, and how much
of it is still in a state of flux are issues that need more

3. A full Unicode implementation within FM+SGML is vital. This would
allow multi-language Unicode fonts, as well as Unicode fonts
for special languages such as Mathematical and Chemical
markup, to be utilized when they become available.

How about it framers? If we're all concerned about the future of the
FrameMaker product line, then we ought to realize that its
future can be guaranteed if  FM+SGML becomes the killer
app for both XML and translations. We need to conduct our
own survey, and submit the results to Adobe.

It is quite apparent that the paragraph and
character tag mapping approach to XML and HTML conversions
used by WWP is a messy, inelegant, and unreliable
solution that totally relies on rigorous, consistent application of
tags, with no formatting overrides--something that
is almost impossible to achieve. The solution is
FM+SGML, which guarantees consistent tagging
throughout. Solutions like WWP need to be replaced
by the much more elegant conversion solutions that are
possible with FM+SGML.

If there is any future for FrameMaker,
it will be an FM+SGML future.
Let ordinary FrameMaker
fall into the maintenance category where it can die a
natural death. This would let Adobe focus all its
development energies on making FM+SGML into the
killer app it can and should become.

| Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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