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Re: FW: Attachments Not Allowed on Framers

On Wed, 17 May 2000 08:44:13 -0500, Bill Fetzner <BFetzner@etcconnect.com> wrote:

>But I didn't knowingly send an attachment to Framers, so when Brad's list
>complained about getting an attachment from me even though I sent nothing to
>Frameusers, I concluded that the attachment was an automatic forward to them
>of my Framers posting in the form of an attachment.

Wrong, as I explained...  The Free Framers *archive* at FrameUsers is zubbed
to this list just like anyone else.  This has absolutely nothing to do with
the Framers list at FrameUsers, except that it runs on the same server...
So any attachments would have been part of *your* post, and therefore went
to everyone on Free Framers.  In fact, that is the case...

>Another possibility is the way Microsoft Outlook handles the mail. I noted
>that my mail setting for Framers is on MIME/Plain Text. For all I know that
>setting results in some attachment being added, unintentionally, at my end.
>I've received email occasionally that had an attachment icon at the bottom
>that made no sense to me. So this time I'm trying something different. I
>changed my mail setting for the Framers address to the other option, Plain
>Text/UUENCODE. I'll sit back and see if I get the same bounce from Brad's

You have the dreaded WINMAIL.DAT attachment on your messages, both the last
one and this one.  <g>  This is a common problem with MS mail clients, which
in Bill's infinite wisdom attach a batch of binary formatting info so that
other MS clients can show your sig in green Barnum.  The fact that it's not
understood by other clients, and messes up list digests, doesn't bother Bill.
There is a Web site dedicated to helping people get free of such misfeatures:


which we urge you to visit; the two O'Reilly animals alone are worth it...

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  (jeremy@omsys.com)  http://www.omsys.com/

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