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Re: Yet another Acrobat 4.x Bash

The Adobe CEO, as well as the entire staff of Adobe Magazine need to read
the Clutrain Manifesto, www.cluetrain.org. The more they dissemble, the more
ridiculous they look.
At 12:14 PM 5/5/00 -0400, Avram Baskin wrote:

>The following disclaimer was in the May/June issue of Adobe Magazine:
>"What's the difference?!?
>"Adobe Acrobat 4.05 is a (free) update that fixes a few (sic) problems
>discovered after the release of Acrobat 4.0, and that also includes a few
>enhancements to the product.
>"Due to manufacturing constraints, differing version numbers were used in a
>few locations relating to the update; for example, the startup screen for
>the new product says 4.05a, and the face of the CD itself, and the
>packaging, say 4.06.  The software is all version 4.05, irrespective of
>these variations in numbering."
>I wonder what the "manufacturing constraints" are???  Did the CD burner have
>a bug in it that caused the version numbers to be arbitrarily rewritten?
>And, do I need a sound card and speakers so I can hear what the new product
>What would really be refreshing would be for Adobe to turn off the
>obfuscatron and admit that they used their loyal customers to beta test a
>product that should never have gone into general release.
     | Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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