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Re: FM+SGML and multilanguage publication

At 11:57 AM 5/3/00 +0200, Chris Despopoulos wrote:
>Dan Emory said, re two languages side by side in Maker+SGML:
>     Disconnected text flows definitely will not work,
>     for the following reasons:
>     1. Each new text flow must begin with an element
>     that is valid at the
>     highest level.
>     2. On export to SGML, FM+SGML can only export the
>     information in a single
>     text flow.
>I say this is patently untrue.  It is not difficult at all
>to handle this case via an SGML API client.  Before you say
>that's cheating, let me point out that SGML is inherently
>vertical, and there are few if any real-world
>implementations of Maker+SGML round trips that do not use
>the SGML API.  (Technically speaking, none, because even the
>vanilla export/import uses a minimal SGML API client, but
>that's splitting hairs).  Given such an approach, you could
>choose to mix the language versions in one SGML file, or you
>could create two separate SGML files for each language.
Unless someone who queries the list specifically states that they're willing
to consider developing an API client, I assume they aren't interested in
that solution, particularly when there is a way to do it without using an
API. I offerred such a solution after summarizing several reasons why the
current document design wouldn't work if the document were converted to a
structured form.

Only a minuscule proportion of Frame users are willing, each time they run
into a Frame deficiency, to get the FDK and learn how to use it and/or use
an outside source for API development. Responding to a query by telling
someone to develop an API client to solve a problem is not what this list is
all about, particularly when API development is avoidable.
     | Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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