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Re: Re Word/Weird

Too true! But I'd thought that you'd gone off Frame because of the disappointing
6.0 upgrade. It's good to know that you've not lost sight of all that makes
Frame superior. It's a shame Adobe has not seen fit to give Frame the
enhancements it needs to move on into the Millennium.

And speaking of the big M, the following has relevance only because it's a good


Dan Emory wrote:
> At 06:26 PM 5/2/00 -0700, Chuck Martin wrote:
> >---------------------------Snip-------------------------
> >FrameMaker has oodles of usability issues that have never been addressed,
> >and there are things that cannot be done, at least not easily, in
> >FrameMaker, that are a snap to do in Word.
> ==================================================================
> Yes there are some unresolved usability issues in FrameMaker, but this may
> be the price that must be paid for avoiding the Word-like feature bloat that
> increases the likelihood of catastrophic crashes, and (more importantly)
> preserves the stability needed to successfully create, print, convert, and
> distribute very large documents, even on underpowered platforms without huge
> memory capacity. Some of the recent postings (particularly Bill Hall's)
> describing the catastrophic productivity losses produced when Word crasher
> make this point quite well.
<and more besides!!!>

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