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Re: Re(2): Problem with Czech special character

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Schwedland" <steve@noonetime.com>
To: "Milan Opavsky" <milan@team.de>; "Dan Emory" <danemory@primenet.com>
Cc: <framers@omsys.com>; <lhr@Adobe.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: Re(2): Problem with Czech special character

> At 05:40 PM 4/30/00 +0100, Milan Opavsky wrote:
> >You are right - I have to translate and DTP in Czech language about 400
> >pages in FrameMaker 5.56 for Windows and I cannot simple dismiss this
> >character!
> >This is (open to say) very stupid and I don't know this problem in any
> >other DTP software. What shell I say to my client?
> =======================================================
Hi, Steve and Milan.
If your client is from Czech, he/she may or may not uses prevailing
FrameMaker's resource patch for unlock all locked character positions.
This problem is very serious for Czech, Polish, Makedonian and Serbian
people, they use the same resource patch successfully for many years (from
version 3 if I remember).

Of course, Adobe does not support the same domestic "solutions", as well as
Adobe does not support any languages other Western and CJK for FM.

The problem of FM/F+SGML locked codes is constrained to very old
"FrameRoman" cross-platform encoding that is truncated ISO Latin 1
 Icelandic support was dropped).
All FM locked codes on PC correspond to FrameRoman encoding shared positions
on other platforms (Mac and UNIX).
Therefore it is impossible for Adobe to fix that problem without some
destroy of current cross-platform compatibility for FM Western documents.
Until FrameMaker is Non-CoolType Non-Unicode application based on
"FrameRoman" encoding...
FM 6 is THE SAME as Fm 556.

Good look.
Dmitri Iounov.
Support/consulting for multilingual computing

And, as you make oneself clear, the conjuction of letter and diacritic via
some variables is another good way to work with locked codes.

I agree with Dan, but I understand that Adobe just can't throw Unicode
support into the existing code base of Frame.  What I always do for these
characters that are unavailable is create user variables to concoct the
character needed.
In your case follow these steps:
    - Create a character style named "t'" with only the "spread" setting
set, set it to -15.0% (or-10.0%, I can't remember).
    - Next create a variable named "t'" with the definition as:
        <t'>t'<Default ¶ Font>
    - Insert the "t'" variable wherever you need the t-hachek character.

You will need to replace the t-hachek in your text file with some sort of
entity markup before you import the text, then do a search and replace to
insert the variable.  Let me know if you want more clarification.

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