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Re[2]: two tables--similar information

     <Someone suggested using text insets from another document containing
     <the table, but that would only work if the complete table is
     identical <in the two places. You seem to indicate that only two
     COLUMNS are <identical, so you cannot use text insets in that case (to
     my <knowledge).

That's what I thought. If I did the text insets, I could set the reference
to manually update. But I'd still need to reformat and sort the table.

     <Unless you can organize the tables and the information in some other
     <way (split the table, convert columns to rows, or some such), I think
     <that cross-references is the easiest solution. However, they will
     <show up as links in HTML and PDF... Beware that table-sorting has a
     <bug that sometimes deletes all markers included in the text cells!

Oh! I'd forgotten about the table-sorting bug. Looks like the
cross-references may be the best way to go.

Thanks all.


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