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Lefebvre, Christophe wrote:

>I was just wondering if there was some way to edit XML with FM+SGML 5.5.6 ?
>Or do I have to buy FM+SGML 6 (or just buy Quadralay WebWorks® Publisher
>Standard Edition :-) )

I think what you're after is called "round-trip" -- it's possible
with SGML but I've heard that there are a few issues trying that
with XML. Using Unicode is one of the biggest, since FrameMaker can't
deal with Unicode. Another is that FrameMaker+SGML will insist on
valid, rather than simply well-formed, documents. But the biggest
problem of all is that FrameMaker does not *import* XML unless you
can disguise it as a valid SGML document.

You could use FrameMaker to create and maintain your documents, then
export to XML as necessary. That's probably the easiest way.


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