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Re: More about the Bradframers outage phenomenom

At 02:36 PM 11/09/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>At 02:15 PM 11/9/99 -0600, Rian Murphy wrote:
>>Why don't you run your list, and let Brad run his?
>I don't run any list. I am simply a subscriber to both Brad's and Jeremy's.
>The only difference is, my posting privileges on the BradList have been
>suspended for the past 14 months. If I were allowed to post to the BradList,
>that's where my original complaint about outages would have been lodged. Of
>course, if I had done that, my posting privileges would have been suspended
>by Brad.

I apologize for getting that wrong--and you're right, that makes most of the
other stuff irrelevant.  
I still maintain, however, that these complaints are a waste of time, as is
inciting "rebellion" where there is no need to choose one over the other.
Let the Invisible Hand of the Marketplace (Internet version) rule.  R.M.

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