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Re: Text won't flow to next page.

The problem comes from anchoring an anchored frame or table to a text
paragraph. You must anchor these to an empty paragraph used only for
anchored frames and tables. You can set up the point size as 2 pts to make
the table or anchored frame appear (almost) at the top of the page, or You
can specify the position of the anchored frame or table as top or column, in
which case the empty anchored paragraph appears at the bottom of the
preceding page.
At 02:47 PM 8/11/99 -0500, MARY HOLDER wrote:
>I have a document containing numbered paragraphs.  Attached to the
>paragraphs are tables. On the very last page of my document, I need the text
>to flow to the next page because I don't want the table to break.  The
>problem is--only it won't!
>I checked the paragraph formats and there are no "keep with" properties
>selected.  I tried inserting a page break from the special menu, but that
>didn't work.  I then tried creating a paragraph format with enough space to
>force the page break, and that didn't work. I checked the table designer to
>see if I had orphan rows set, but that wasn't it.
>Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm using FM+SGML 5.5.6 and Windows
>Thanks in advance,
>Mary Holder
>Technical Writer
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