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Re: Getting rid of Doctype declaration header?

At 06:55 AM 8/3/99 -0700, Lynne A. Price wrote:
>At 11:55 PM 8/2/99 -0700, Dan Emory wrote:
>.>Now, the only way such an imported by reference text inset can be replaced
>>by an entity reference on export to SGML is by use of an "is fm text inset"
>>read/write rule of the following form:
>>        entity "SOI"{
>>        is fm text inset "filename"
>>        in body (or reference) flow "flowname";
>>        }
>>"filename" is the name of the file with the flowname containing the text
>>inset,         and
>>"SOI" is the same name that appears as the bracketed SOI of the
>>corresponding SGML entity declaration. That entity declaration, which must
>>be in the DTD, has the form:
>>        <!ENTITY entname SDATA "[SOI]" >
>>Where the bracketed SOI is a name (not a filename) whose "lookup location"
>>is in the read/write rules on the FM+SGML side, and is in an entity catalog
>>on the SGML side.
>  This is not true. No read/write rule is necessary. Furthermore, the automatic
>mapping of SGML text insets to entitiies is to external SGML text entities
The relevant conversion appears in a table under "Exporting text insets" on
the second page of Chapter 13 in the Developers Guide. During original Beta
testing of FM+SGML V5.5 (2 or 3 years ago), I tested actual examples against
the alleged export action described in that table, and found that it did not
work as advertised. I even submitted a bug report on it to Frame/Adobe at
that time. It was on that basis that I made the statements above.
That problem, as well as many others I and others found, plus the whole 5.5
release fiasco, made me decide not to upgrade from 5.1.1 to 5.5.x. Perhaps
they finally got it working the way the Developers Guide describes it. If
so, I was in error when I stated that that the only way to export a text
inset as an entity reference was by using the "is fm text inset" read/write
>and not to internal SDATA entities. Thus, the corresponding entity declaration
>is something like:
>    <!ENTITY entname SYSTEM "ti.ent">
Yes, you are correct, the entity declaration should not specify SDATA. I
copied the entity declaration from the wrong place, and failed to check it.
     | Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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